
Blog categorized as computer drawing pads review

Is there any graphics pad used with android phone/tablet for drawing?

04.08.21 03:33 AM By rongjixin - Comment(s)

Difference between the Android drawing tablet and a graphics tablet?

tablets, smartphones, and digital notebooks have opened up a whole new way of interacting with digital devices.

A normal graphics tablet is a plastic pad that comes with a pen stylus. They're designed for artists to draw directly ont...

Artist 22E Pro Pen Display Tablet Review - best option for professional digital artists

25.06.18 05:47 AM By rongjixin - Comment(s)

Do you want to improve your artistry as a professional artist? I think the XP-Pen Artist 22E Pro Interactive Pen Display is your perfect tablet.

Manually drawing characters require a lot of time, money and energy. You need an art paper, various pencil sizes, erasers, canvas, and colors. You have to d...